A Photo a day to keeps your ideal weigh t

Fighting against 5F’s

What’s 5F’s? Food,Fertilize,Flock, Fight and Flee—5F’s embedded deeply inside human beings–The human nature. You are definitely in trouble if eating lots of Food and doing nothing for Fighting & Fleeing.

Love to eat and fertilize, Hate to exercise.



You need more Processes and Progress in between “before & after”

Middle Processes

Despite 5F’s, The time lapse videos FIT to the FINISH

How many programs out there promise results, but never follow through? Our promise is simple and it is guaranteed. It’s time you start seeing results and we’re not the ones to help you. The Self Portrait Camera helps yourself out.

What is Brinno Self portrait camera? What is “Instant Video”?

The “Instant Video”—The


How to create weight loss time lapse diary by self portrait camera?brinno

Be A Photo a day “Selfie”

Oxford’s Word of the Year 2013 Is…”Selfie”

Available at Brinno self portrait camera

A photo a day keeps the fat away

Natural evolution could be is a lie in America.

Fighting against Fat is a very difficult and long term painful process. How to carrry on?

belief, doc, loosing weight consultant?  You deserve smarter opinion—-Weight Loss time lapse video.


Time lapse video used to be a tedious and post processing demanding photography but now could be made extremely easy by Brinno TLC200

Instant time lapse video can be easily created IMMEDIATELY on the CAMERA after all photos taken periodically. No Photo converting or Stitching on you LAPTOP.   It’s an AVI file already while playing on site.

brinnoInstant time lapse video on the Brinno Camera, No Laptop required

OK. the time lapse video is automatic, perfect. But the problem is how to position your body at the center of each photo ?

The secret is the special “self portrait mirror” with the Grid. so you can always align, for example, your nose with the vertical line on the grid and align your cheek with the lowest bottom horizontal line on the grid of the mirror.


If you know how to align your face, It is easy too to align your waist or hips with the grid on the self portrait mirror.


tlc200f1.2 Face Time Lapse tlc200f1.2 Record Weight Loss
Use the self-portrait mirror and
remote shutter to create your
personal visual body diary.
Keep a visual record of your
diet results or work out results.
Enjoy the slimming ecstasy!

Here is the attached video on “face” time lapse video by Brinno self portrait camera 

Thumbnail click video

How to video

Thumbnail click video

The Brinno BFC self portrait camera bundle: Content

Package Contents
brinno brinno brinno

Oxford’s Word of the Year 2013 Is…”Selfie”

Available at Brinno self portrait camera

As usual , God bless America!