Rethinking Construction cameras for a more Connected and Sharable Future from IFA 2013

Legend Construction camera

Using DSLR as the Construction camera —Pretty old school now

And what really hurts is when you are done with your construction project after coupled months:

Rethinking the  construction camera…..

Minds for your next construction camera

The spot light of the IFA 2013 is so far the Sony revolutionized  QX10 &QX100–“smartphone attachable lens styles camera“. What does this to do with the construction camera? Well. Sony just broke the barrier between the Point of Shoot and the Point of View camera.

From now on you can cruise For the 1st time , You can even Self Portrait your back

The combination with Sony Action cam’s “remote controller” around the wrist

Personally I believe it is very promising approach to “remote control” your lens style camera from your wrist. It is actually better to do this on the Sony existing smartwatch 2.

The only question is this Sony smartwatch 2 has never been a hot watch for many years.

One of the most  breaking new is the Qualcomm watch in IFA 2013

But it’s also sort of “back to the future” wild guesses, No one know who will be the dominant player on smartwatch in next five years ( Qualcomm vs Samsung vs Sony) ( via this article )

Let’s go back to the ground of the jobsite.

Wanna something rugged, operable with gloves on and sharable on the spot?

Never miss the “wide angle” for your construction camera

The view angle of Wingscapes 8.0M vs the Brinno f1.2

Brinno Construction camera is super long lasting ( 78 days with standard AA alkaline batteries/ 230 days with Energizer Li batteries) or DC IN with Eye Fi card


Energizer Li Battery


The sweetest spot is the “Instant Video

What is “Instant Video”?–Brinno Construction camera captures and
converts thousands of photos into a Time Lapse video instantly and automatically on the camera, No Laptop required


(1) Post Free ( No convertion, No stitching, No Post effects ( Deflickr…..)

(2) Instant Playback ( thin file)

(3) Sharable on site ( Facebook or Twitter right away)

(4) Quick Search by Brinno Player’s “motion search”

We’d like to see what we can expect from the CES 2014 now