The Key to successful Construction Management is DIY setup Construction camera

Why Construction management ?
–High turnover ( $$$)
–Industrial safety ( Safety is  No.1)
–Recovery and Insurance ( disaster recovery , property restoration, Insurance claims)
–Multi players (  owner/ employer/ subcontractors , employer, government, industrial safety committee)
–Rich Data  ( plan, templates, sheets, photos, videos)
There are plenty of construction project management systems or templates available. The paper sheets or electronic text data can be created, published and stored easily by current PC or Laptop. Photos were no longer a issue since the wide spread of the digital point-and-shoot cameras.
Videos are turning to be the real pains here. why ?
  • Power supply. Let’s face it – digital cameras are infamous for draining battery life.  From snapshooters to professionals, everyone dreads that little flashing red light. Sometimes there is no stable power at jobsite and you are required to move these cameras around.
  • Camera setup and frame. You need to hire the cameramen or outside company to do these. You workers with gloves on are your last choice.
  • Video editing. This is the biggest nightmare. File transfer takes HOURS everyday. let alone those video editing and post processing.
  • Video playback. It’s never ending story. Fast forward could be too slow(takes forever or too fast( miss your target). Once you find your target. The pause button may just “blur”the still image from the video(H.264 problems)
  • Video storage : too fat to store unless subcontracting a cloud service
Video storage:10 years ago
Video storage: now:
It’s no difference. All FAT files and hard to store, share and manage.
Eco Friendly videos files
Quiz: How to reduce the trash in the planet?
It’s simple–Reduce the garage in the INPUT ! ( TLC from Discovery channel)
If you create the videos in the input. You are definitively suffering from the output and everything associated with
Anything other than Videos? Too big, fat and expensive to deal with? —— YES!   time lapse videos!
Brinno camera is powered by the proprietary “Instant video“,benefits are
  • Once your video is shot, it’s actually a video and not a series of JPEGs. No stitching, no converting!
  • No more Fat video files created in the input, File management(file storage, file sharing and playback) is nice and easy
  • What you see is what you get:  No more H.264 compression “blur” on single frame
  • Play LESS while playback with motion search on Brinno’s player, Saving playback time
Some people may insist that Video is inevitable in special occasions. That’s Correct for that 1% cases. Our experience shows almost all the events at jobsite can be just recorded at no faster than 1 photo per second.
You can also add on one the accessories of the Brinno TLC200 to make it from a fixed time interval time lapse camera to a Motion activated camera to handle different situations.
i.e.  anything with movement will be picked up by the motion sensor. This can be a good fit for surveillance camera which you’d like to move from place to place (Portable)
Bonus: Can I playback the “Instant video” instantly at the jobsite? Yes, go get the Brinno ABR100 Android phone SD card player.
Time lapse video is essentially the eco-friendly way in creating, publishing and managing your construction camera videos

A photo a day keeps the fat away

Natural evolution could be is a lie in America.

Fighting against Fat is a very difficult and long term painful process. How to carrry on?

belief, doc, loosing weight consultant?  You deserve smarter opinion—-Weight Loss time lapse video.


Time lapse video used to be a tedious and post processing demanding photography but now could be made extremely easy by Brinno TLC200

Instant time lapse video can be easily created IMMEDIATELY on the CAMERA after all photos taken periodically. No Photo converting or Stitching on you LAPTOP.   It’s an AVI file already while playing on site.

brinnoInstant time lapse video on the Brinno Camera, No Laptop required

OK. the time lapse video is automatic, perfect. But the problem is how to position your body at the center of each photo ?

The secret is the special “self portrait mirror” with the Grid. so you can always align, for example, your nose with the vertical line on the grid and align your cheek with the lowest bottom horizontal line on the grid of the mirror.


If you know how to align your face, It is easy too to align your waist or hips with the grid on the self portrait mirror.


tlc200f1.2 Face Time Lapse tlc200f1.2 Record Weight Loss
Use the self-portrait mirror and
remote shutter to create your
personal visual body diary.
Keep a visual record of your
diet results or work out results.
Enjoy the slimming ecstasy!

Here is the attached video on “face” time lapse video by Brinno self portrait camera 

Thumbnail click video

How to video

Thumbnail click video

The Brinno BFC self portrait camera bundle: Content

Package Contents
brinno brinno brinno

Oxford’s Word of the Year 2013 Is…”Selfie”

Available at Brinno self portrait camera

As usual , God bless America!

How does Brinno BCC100 Construction camera work with Eye Fi Pro X2

It’s been a de facto standard to hire a Construction camera service company( or rental company) to set up DSLR cameras, WiFi and record the construction job site daily images, perhaps a remote monitoring and Cloud storage if affordable. It has never been in expensive when it comes to “service”.

I’m personally preferring a much more “less luxury “way in documenting related construction site videos and images.

One of the “DIY” or “amateur” styles is Brinno Construction camera . it’s superb in low light, long term battery life and most importantly it can be merely setup and operated by the jobsite civil engineers or workers with hard hat on.


Brinno Construction camera for not providing WiFi transmission was a big blemish.

But It’s cool now by using the WiFi Eye Fi card. Do not ask me other WiFi SD cards coz limited time and resources for further searching. The only model to use is the Eye Fi  PRO X2  ( no Mobi)

3 steps DIY Wifi construction camera here if using Eye Fi card + Brinno TLC200:

step 0: Take out the original SD card from the Brinno TLC200

Step 0.5: insert the Eye Fi SD card ( Pro X2)

3 steps to be WiFi:

(1)    DC IN thru Micro USB on Brinno TLC200 ( The Brinno Camera is said to live up to 78 days by batteries but is better to plug  your DC IN if using with Eye Fi card ), It’s also available on the Brinno waterproof enclosure ATH 110)

extend port for ATH


(2) Download and Upgrade the latest Firmware from Brinno web site ( 1.02.3 or later for TLC200 and TLC200 f1.2 including BCC 100) (  version 1.01.4 or later for TLC200 Pro)

(3)Set up the “timer” to specify your transmission period



More detailed info for your info:


Take advantage of the Instant  WiFi upload with the Eye Fi card and Instant time lapse video by Brinno TLC200 in no time!

5 features to look in your next Construction camera and howto WiFi?

5 features of the the construction job site:

1.Large area to be taken care ( large place and many stories)
2.Long period of project ( > 6 months )
3.Tough environments (Windy, Rainy, Dust)
4.Workers with thick gloves ( instead of Photographers) at the job site
5.Unstable grid power supply thus it better to be battery(or UPS) powered for important gears like cameras

It ain’t easy to perform the photo shooting under the harsh job site environment.

UnpluggedWire Free is the key differentor

Currently it’s high cost subcontracting with photo firms in setting and taking the photos with the basic charges of 30,000-50,000.

Besides, Asking your job site workers to operate the DSLR for shooting long term time lapse video is not supposed to be a brilliant ideas. Why?

Thing about this: wearing thick gloves is hard to use the DSLR versatile tiny buttons, neither is previewing with your helmet atop to target your subject if not using the super wide angle lens.

Learned about the Barbie’s new Mar mission? It takes many outfits here, gloves, mask, helmet, cloths, heavy boots…so the photo shots are not the NASA’s assignments to Barbie

 Source: Mattel

Remember we (Construction men)  work in Mars everyday !!

Tougher, Easy to setup cameras for your next Construction cameras

Something Tougher( to survive) Easier (to set up) , Longer (in battery life) and even Low light enhancer is definitely your next Construction Camera top list.

A Super wide angle Point-of- View camera like Brinno TLC200  is supposed to be a wiser choice in terms of the harsh conditions at the construction job site.

And  the Low light shots capabilities (powerful Night shots) is essential

Quick comparison in night shots ( GoPro Hero 3 Black vs Brinno TLC200 Pro)

Choosing the right Dark Knight who makes the difference to protect your properties

Long term recording is always challenging because of the unstable power supply

Super wide angle is a must

The Brinno long last and Super low light wide angle construction camera:



What is Instant Video?

I was an IT engineer before. The camera setup or WiFi access was fine but the biggest nightmare was to locate a single frame from tens of thousands of videos hiding somewhere in tons of DV tapes

The Brinno cameras are equipped the “Instant video”—-Once your photos are shot, It’s already a time lapse videos—No file transferring, Video editting or post processsing

brinno bike camera

brinno tlc200 pro
With Brinno Instant Video technology, once your video is shot, it’s actually a Time Lapse video  and not a series of JPEGs. No stitching, no converting!
brinno tlc200 pro brinno tlc200 pro

Color preference? and Wifi maniac?

Going to the Mars with Barbie and the Pink camera ?

Special edition

Footages for reference:


The 100% DIY Wifi Construction camera will totally simplify all your Job site cameras setup and will make you documentary Post Processing Free!
Click video

Winery foundation setup

Thumbnail click video

Solar panel construction

Thumbnail click video

Swimming Pool design & build ( via:Klapprodt Pools )

Thumbnail click video

Eye Fi card is at service now with Brinno TLC200

Watch out :It is Pro X2 , not Mobi

3 steps to WiFi:

  1. DC IN thru Micro USB on Brinno TLC200 ( The Brinno Camea is said to live up to 78 days by batteries but insert your DC IN if using with Eye Fi card)
  2. Download and Upgrade the latest Firmware from Brinno web site ( 1.02.3 or later for TLC200 and TLC200 f1.2 including BCC 100) (  version 1.01.4 or later for TLC200 Pro)
  3. Set up the “timer” to specify your transmission period

More detailed info?

Never miss a shot by using the Point-Of-View HDR camera

  • Looking for Automatic HDR time lapse camera that will dramatically enrich your online videos posts hands- off?
  • Having problems in shooting sunset or sunrise videos cuz no HDR video button on your cameras?
  • Wanna the time lapse videos for social media sharing on the spot without any Laptop post processing?


Introducing “Ultra Pixel” HDR video camera from Brinno

Quick Un Boxing video review:

The super long battery life make Brinno TLC200 Pro the best Project cam e,g Wedding, Event, Seminar, Hiking, biking
Brinno TLC 200 Pro literatelly can live up to 45 days without changing the battery

Is this making any sense here? Instant and time lapse camera ? HDR video? Does it rock?

Let me put in this way:
“Time lapse camera” means this camera is capable of shooting at your specified “time interva”, e.g taking photo every 10 sec or 3 sec or even 4 photos per second.

“Instant video” means once you finished the shooting, it is actuallly a AVI movie file insted of a bunch of photos which requring lots of video editting and post processing work.

Here is the HDR comparison:

“HDR” indicates this Brinno TLC200 Pro has a pretty wide dynamic range =115dB. Most of DSLR has only 65dB.

Warpping up, The Brinno TLC200 pro is so called ” the time lapse camera that can creates the Instant HDR time lapse video at any light!

A BBC News Mar, 2013 :  How tiny cameras have become big business

Brinno camera touting its “ultra pixel” is even more ultra : hTC is 2.0 and Brinno is 4.2 micro Meters

htc-ultrapixel-4-600x365.jpgbrinno tlc200 pro


  Video link

 Video link

Thumbnail Video link

construction camera
bike camera
hdr video camera
bike camera

Using Bike camera for ordinary tour camera?

Tokyo sky tree tower walker: Night shots and Low light photography

 Click video

The POV Travel time lapse camera is supposed to be a SAFER market segment for camera manufactures to stay tuned without the emerging smartphones threats.

Taipei 101 building new year fireworks

 Click video

Google Map Street POV time lapse video
 Click Video

Time lapse video of the Balloon festival
 Click Video

Self Portrait Camera–POV
Click Video

How to use Brinno Self Portrait camera?
Click Video

POV HDR video camera
click Video

Timelapse Land Cruise by TLC 200 Pro from Brinno
Click Video

Sunset time lapse video by Brinno HDR video camera with Brinno CS-mount lens
Click video

Pet camera
 click video

360 degrees Pan Lapse in any event like party, wedding, group meeting…

Click Video

Try Amazon one day delivery
click to buy

HDR video camera
HDR video camera
Bike camera
HDR video camera – See more at:

Eye Fi SD card and Brinno TLC200 to be your DIY Construction Web camera

It’s been everywhere to hire a Construction camera service company to set up DSLR cameras, WiFi and record the construction job site daily images, perhaps a remote monitoring and Cloud storage if affordable.

I’m personally preferring a much more “less luxury “way in documenting related construction site videos and images.


We summarizes key issues to explain why we think DSLR is not necessarily the best solution for the On site Construction cameras.

The #1 thinking is “Is it really necessary to record the construction site by DSLR”?

The purchase cost or rental cost is one thing. What really matters is the DSLR complicated camera setup, settings for time lapse video and it also difficult to ask the job site works to take over. So you may foot the service company bills monthly or try to train your job site people to operate the DSLR.


Learned about the limited Shutter life of DSLR? It seems that the average statistic shutter life is around 100,000 shots. 100k shots is probably a big number for ordinary photo shots but it can be “toasted” so easily by the time lapse mode. Here is a good example: taking photos every 1 min then 1×60 min x24 hrs=1,440 shots per Day, Your DSLR will just burst in 69.44 days (100,000 divided by 1,440) which is only TWO Months!

My advice is

DO NOT use DSLR for Construction camera recording. It’s too expensive to pay the service companies , too hard for the job site workers to use and can on;y work for Two months.

Lesson learned: Will you drive your Ferrari from NYC to LA?

2nd thinking: Is there any other in expensive and easy to use solutions for the Construction job site workers?

There are some rugged and Point of View cameras like GoPro or Brinno to be a smarter choices for the construction sites. These POVs are all features like

  • Rugged with water proof cases
  • Wide angel lens (>120 degrees, Field of View)
  • Default external DC power input ( ensure long term shooting)
  • Time lapse video Photography ( you can set up the camera by different Time intervals, say taking one photo every 1 minute )

GoPro is, however, little constrained by not be able to DC IN if wearing the water proof case. I can fix this by many DIY water proof box.

What GoPro consistently bothers me is the Night shots capabilities.

The Brinno camera is much better at low light photography. ( which is essential at the construction sites: Moonless Night Shots)

Here is the Quick comparison in night shots ( GoPro Hero 3 Black vs Brinno)

Lessons learned: Dark Knight makes the difference to protect your properties


Brinno Construction camera for not providing WiFi for Construction job site remote monitoring was a big blemish.

But It’s cool now by using the WiFi Eye Fi card Pro X2 ( only Pro X2, not Mobi)

3 steps DIY Wifi construction camera here if using Eye Fi card + Brinno TLC200:

step 0: Ttake out the original SD card from the Brinno TLC200

Step 0.5: insert the Eye Fi SD cardSPhoto: WiFi Construction camera by Brinno time lapse camera TLC200!!!

3 steps to be WiFi:

  1. DC IN thru Micro USB on Brinno TLC200 ( The Brinno Camea is said to live up to 78 days by batteries but insert your DC IN if using with Eye Fi card)
  2. Download and Upgrade the latest Firmware from Brinno web site ( 1.02.3 or later for TLC200 and TLC200 f1.2 including BCC 100) (  version 1.01.4 or later for TLC200 Pro)
  3. Set up the “timer” to specify your transmission period


More  info

Enjoy your Job site workers DIY Wi Fi Construction cameras!


Construction time lapse video:

Fore more info: Construction camera at B&H photos

   The Professional’s Source  800.952.1815 / 212.444.6708