A photo a day transforming weight loss a whole new way

Did weight make you feel awful your entire life – depressed, lonely and sad?

One of my classmates this semester is focused on exercise and nutrition.  I was looking forward to this transformation  because I’m so interested in health and wellness, and I feel as though I have a pretty good grasp on it.

Transformation–The most significant transformation in your lifetime ( cuz, It’s “you”)

The journey to thin” has never been easy. You need to eat less, work out more, consulting experts but how to carry on for the long run?

First day is a piece of cake , We need Months of day by day documentary

My suggestion—-Believing in yourself by using the Self portrait camera and transforming a photo a day From FAT to FIT Video Time lapse Blog

How  does brinno  self portrait camera create the time lapse videos automatically?

It’s an AVI file already on the camera while finished shooting!



88 lbs transformation on camera—So is the time lapse video
 via backeopuor

The sweetest spot is the “Instant Video

What is “Instant Video”?–Brinno self portrait camera captures and
converts thousands of photos into a Time Lapse video instantly and automatically on the camera, No Laptop required


(1) Post Free ( No convertion, No stitching, No Post effects ( Deflickr…..)

(2) Fast Playback ( thin file. Yes! even the video file is thin!!)

(3) Sharable on site ( Facebook or Twitter right away)

But personally the Best upside for weight loss is…..

Post Free & Fast Playback Construction camera

Which Construction Camera? 24 hrs monitoring or Incident Investigation/Documentation after?

Some construction site cameras are operated live and others are only used to investigate or document an incident after the fact.  A live, monitored system appears far more effective but the question is –Do you really need to be the like of the movie–“enemy of the States” ? So there are more and more construction sites which look to implement their own system and monitor it themselves.  When you take this route, most of the time the cameras are mounted and left on to record.  The recorder is located inside a site trailer and the footage from the camera’s are mainly used after something happens.  It is then that the site supervisor has to spend time looking through video to try and figure out what happened.  Then the issues will be —how difficult of the videos Processing and Playback?

The Post Free video processing


The sweetest spot is the “Instant Video

What is “Instant Video”?–Brinno Construction camera captures and
converts thousands of photos into a Time Lapse video instantly and automatically on the camera, No Laptop required


(1) Post Free ( No convertion, No stitching, No Post effects ( Deflickr…..)

(2) Fast Playback ( thin file)

(3) Sharable on site ( Facebook or Twitter right away)

(4) Quick Search by Brinno Player’s “motion search”


Fast Playback

The  most wanted feature from user feedbacks is the Fast Playback video on the spot.


One reminder: Try not to use your precious DSLR for the outdoors use like the job site

The Brinno Construction cameras offer choices of Mounts & Vari Focus Interchangeable LENS

The Wall Mount

The Straps


The best practice is —  20% of total Job site cameras are for Real Time monitoring and 80% for Construction Project management.

In terms of the “Specific Target Recording”. Here are some footages showing the true benefits of the Long Lasting Construction camera

The amazing Battery life—No need to replace the battery at job site

The “Pilling”

Thumbnail click video

Thumbnail click video

Thumbnail click video

Click video


Time lapse Settings_Howto unleash Brinno Construction camera

The Construction project is basically months or years long. The best part you can get yourself a long term battery, wide angle, low light and nearly “Post Free” camera.

In addition, The physical ways of attaching your construction have to be very flexible and versatile in terms of the complicated and changing characteristics at the construction job site.


The Brinno Construction camera bundle includes

The Brinno construction package has already covered up many aspects such as the

The Flat bottom of camera——–>stands by the camera itself, no extra accessories needed

Wall mount——————————>adhere to any wall by either screws or temporary double side tape


Rubber Straps————————–>attachable to anything

Or you can have the tough one—The Brinno garden mounting stake–Flexable Mounting Stake to us in the ground

Gorilla tripod (Brinno camera on the GorillaPod )

C type Clip—————–>good for portable application

The weather proof enclosure is also DC-IN available. ( Using Brinno camera with Eye Fi card?)



The hardware setup is supposed to be pretty strait forward. Now Howto timelapse settings? The timelapse settings link 

For example, Here we select

the “Recoding time” as “30”days

the Expect video length” as “30” mins

the “image quality” as “best”

the “Subject” as “Constructon”

This is what you have from this settings :

time interval: 60 mins. <19G space needed.

That means

You can have a 30 days construction project in 30 mins time lapse video if using time interval 1 min and a 32G SD card (>19G)

By inputting your parameters, You can actually have the “video length” and “file size” date which would be really helpful in you’re planning drop the camera at the job site for a long period of time. You will never have the insufficient space issue for the entire project.

Furthermore, If you are using together with the “motion sensor”for you job site security camera, You can actually make it “Over write” on the camera, So you can only keep the recent data for the unexpected

brinno motion camera-BMC100

Click video

  Ckick Video

The way forward: Construction Management is not enough without Construction Camera

Construction manager is the your first step to success accompanied after by the Construction management plan

Construction managersEngineering Project Management Jobs

Real Time Monitoring is not necessarily why you need the Construction camera

What most construction sites need is

>>a more daily basis documentary

>>a less expensive TOC ( total cost of ownership: it’s a more project based expenses vs the fixed estate investment)

>>less expensive cameras ( Do-it- yourself styled installation and operation cameras ), and no service or maintenance cost required

The Construction camera video is the most intuitive way for the Construction management

Ensuring project success (Performance) in various segments

 -Accelerate the physical construction (Schedule)
– Reduce the cost of the project (Cost)
 -Compare the conceptual design with the actual physical construction ( Virtual vs Physical , Plan vs Real), Project review
– Decrease the overall time required for planning and design ( Project life cycle management)

How to establish Construction cameras at jobsite?

One of the references is the Brinno Construction cameras employment view


You may have the UI like this–Eye Fi Center if using together with Eye Fi Pro X2 card

The Best part you may leverage the Flickr FREE 1T Cloud service.  The amazing 1,000 Giga bytes

Flickr | 1TB of Free Photo Sharing