Relieve Insomnia with 5 Acupressure Points

According to the National Sleep Foundation, every week almost 60% of Americans suffer from insomnia-like symptoms. These symptoms include waking and not feeling refreshed, problems with staying asleep and the inability to fall asleep quickly. If you are experiencing insomnia-like symptoms, try acupressure for a good night’s sleep instead of taking sleep medication. Acupressure has shown to help insomniac sufferers fall asleep for longer and have a better quality sleep, according to a study in Milan, Italy at the San Gerardo Hospital.


 2 Acupressure points on the ankles:

The Acupressure Points (K 6 and B 62) between your heel and anklebones (on both sides) have traditionally been used to relieve and prevent insomnia. The acupressure point on the inside of the heel below your inner anklebone is called Joyful Sleep. Can you guess what to do to obtain joyful sleep? Just hold this ankle acupressure point while taking deep breaths for a few minutes before you go to bed.

insomnia, can't sleep, sleep disorders, acupressure, body meridians

acupressure points for Insomnia and relaxing


3 Acupressure points on arms:

The Acupressure points on the outside of your heel, below your outer anklebone are called Calm Sleep. Pressing these ankle points together by placing your thumb on one side and your fingertips on the other side of your ankle, can relieve pain from the waist down, and enable your body to relax deeply for a good night’s sleep. This acupressure technique and the following tips are easy to teach your child.

4 Tips for Getting to Sleep Naturally

  • Gentle Stretching – Before you try to go to sleep, gently stretch your arms, legs, side-to-side bends, and massage your shoulders and neck.
  • Eye Stretches – With your eyes open, move your eyes slowly in a large circle – three times in each direction. Repeat this slow eye rotation with your eyes closed while breathing deeply. End by stretching your arms up and back as you take a few deep breaths.
  • Induce Yawning – Exaggerate several yawns, as you stretch your arms and legs.
  • Deeply Relax – Nestle comfortably into a very relaxed position. Take several slow, deep breaths as you enjoy relaxing. Focus on taking slower and deeper breaths. Let yourself completely relax.
body meridians, acupressure, insomnia, TENS, cupping

Meridians in the body with the total care

Relaxation techniques for insomnia or sleep disorders

Insomnia is one of the Sleep disorders

Sleep disorders. Insomnia is itself a sleep disorder, but it can also be a symptom of other sleep disorders, including sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, and circadian rhythm disturbances tied to jet lag or late-night shift work.

accupressure. reflexology, insomnia, can't sleep, sleep disorder

Relaxation techniques for insomnia


Narcolepsy is a lifelong sleep disorder that makes you feel overwhelmingly tired, and in severe cases, have sudden uncontrollable sleep attacks.

About one in 2,000 people have some form of narcolepsy

Chronic insomnia can even contribute to serious health problems.

Why can’t I sleep?

(1)Psychological and medical causes of insomnia

(2)Daytime habits that cause insomnia

(3)Sleep environment and bedtime routines that cause insomnia


Relaxation techniques for insomnia

(1)Abdominal breathing. Breathing deeply and fully, involving not only the chest, but also the belly, lower back, and ribcage, can help relaxation. Close your eyes and take deep, slow breaths, making each breath even deeper than the last. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.

(2)Progressive muscle relaxation. Make yourself comfortable. Starting with your feet, tense the muscles as tightly as you can. Hold for a count of 10, and then relax. Continue to do this for every muscle group in your body, working your way up from your feet to the top of your head.

(3)Mindfulness meditation. Sit or lie quietly and focus on your natural breathing and how your body feels in the moment. Allow thoughts and emotions to come and go without judgment, always returning to focus on breath and your body.

Sleep deprivation and try acupressure message for better sleep

sleep deprivation and sleep disorders

It is estimated that 50 to 70 million Americans chronically suffer from a disorder of sleep and wakefulness, hindering daily functioning and adversely affecting health and longevity. The cumulative long-term effects of sleep deprivation and sleep disorders have been associated with a wide range of deleterious health consequences including an increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart attack, and stroke.

sleep depreivation, accupressure. reflexology, insomnia, can't sleep, sleep disorder

Sleep deprivation and depression

Sleep deprivation is the condition of not having enough sleep; it can be either chronic or acute. A chronic sleep-restricted state can cause fatigue, daytime sleepiness, clumsiness and weight gain. It adversely affects the brain and cognitive function.

Sleep deprivation has been tied to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and depression.

Microsleeps really help…Stay calm

Few studies have compared the effects of acute total sleep deprivation and chronic partial sleep restriction. Complete absence of sleep over long periods has not been seen in humans (unless they suffer from fatal familial insomnia); it appears that brief microsleeps cannot be avoided. Long-term total sleep deprivation has caused death in lab animals. Microsleeps could be significant for insomnia people since it still “charge” you in a very efficient way.

Sleep disorder and Insomnia are brothers

Insomnia and depression feed on each other. Sleep loss often aggravates the symptoms of depression, and depression can make it more difficult to fall asleep. On the positive side, treating sleep problems can help depression and its symptoms, and vice versa.

Why not try acupressure message for better sleep?

accupressure. reflexology, insomnia, can't sleep, sleep disorder

Acupressure points for better sleep





Can’t sleep? Searching the body’s natural sleep drug

Sleep disorders are significant

Getting a good eight hours of sleep keeps your body functioning at its best. For those with insomnia problems, it could be a everyday battle at night.

Sleeping disorders

How many types of sleeping disorders?

Many people suffer from sleep disorders such as insomnia, sleepwalking and sleep-paralysis, which make it very difficult  for them to get quality sleep no matter how hard they try.

Those of us who have trouble sleeping at night, will truly understand or appreciate the value of a good night’s sleep.


Insomina is Spiritual problem?

The reason people often do not get relief through conventional medical treatments is that the root cause of most sleep disorders lies in the spiritual dimension. In order to treat spiritual problems effectively, a solution needs to be taken at a spiritual level. It could be somewhat difficult in the real world since the spirit world is much more complicated for ordinary people.


We know that making the room as dark as possible signals the pineal gland to start producing melatonin. It is one of the solutions to turn the light dark

insonmia, sleep, concentration, meditation

Sleeping devices with the sleeping ambient light

Food is a better choice than taking drugs

Kiwifruits ? The magic alternative to insomnia patients due to its powerful antioxidants

However, The #1 Melatonin food goes to:


The quickest and easiest way to fall a sleep

Sleeping pills have by far been the most common medical treatment, with nearly 9 million adults having taken prescription sleeping pills in the last 30 days, according to the press release. But this comes with well-established safety risks, including decreased mental alertness the morning after use.

These medications can cause next-day impairment of driving and other activities that require full alertness, leading physicians and patients to seek a drug-free alternative.

can't sleep, insomnia remedies, sleepless

Can’t sleep?

The digital health sector(or similar to wearable medical devices) experienced record highs for funding in the last two years, with 2015 reaching $4.5 billion. The cost of insomnia is over $100 billion annually in the United States, which includes costs related to poorer workplace performance, increased healthcare utilization, and increased accident risk. Market size for devices that help diagnose and treat the 40 million Americans suffering from sleep disorders is estimated to reach $125.8 million in 2017.

accupressure. reflexology, insomnia, can't sleep

Reflexology message to help you sleep quickly

Insomnia? Keeping your forehead cool !?

The device, called the Cerêve Sleep System, is designed to induce better sleep by keeping the forehead cool, the company says.

The software-controlled bedside device cools and pumps fluid to a forehead pad that is worn throughout the night, the company says.

Sleep Gadgets So Weird They Just Might not Work  

The bottom line is this goggle with the water pipe attached is definitively not cozy. Even worse, Patient might “addict to” that hose and would feel there is something ontop of the pillow which makers the insomnia out of control.

Simpler and Easier approach?

A pain relief patch on your forehead will “quiet”your thoughts very soon and fall a sleep.  Much easier and no harm to try!

insomnia, remedies, can't sleep, sleepless

How does the pain relief patch to help you sleep?




The Fastest Way to Make Up while Lack of Sleep

Losing sleep has an adverse effect on us at many levels. Here is practical guidance on what you can do to sleep better with less disturbances.

insomina, can't sleep, lack of sleep, sleep devices

The fastest way to make up insomnia

The Cerêve Sleep System, a prescription device that helps reduce latency to stage 1 and stage 2 sleep by keeping the forehead cool has received US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) commercial clearance for use in patients with insomnia, the company has announced.

Many of us have experienced that when we sleep late, we do not feel refreshed when we wake up in the morning. Learning when and how to sleep in a spiritually conducive way benefits both our spiritual practice and our worldly life, helping us to be more productive and happy overall.

All of us would like to know how to sleep better so as to be at our best when we get up. One of the important parameters involved in how to sleep better is the time of going to sleep.


The Fastest Way to Make Up for a Lack of Sleep

accupressure. reflexology, insomnia, can't sleep, sleep disorder

Try not to nap in the dark

Try not to nap after dark.
This can trick the body clock into thinking we’re down for the night, making it harder to shake off the sleepiness when we wake up.

Try drinking your post-lunch espresso immediately before you’re scheduled to nap.
combining these two energy-boosting strategies was more effective at reviving sleep-deprived drivers than either on its own

Give in to an early bedtime.
On those nights when we can barely keep our eyes open, Kushida gives us permission to go to bed an hour or so earlier


Can’t Sleep? New Sleeping Devices give you quality sleep


Sleepion is a unique and revolutionary product aimed at improving the environment of sleep with the combination of sound, light, and aroma. Through calming music, gentle light, and soothing aroma from natural ingredients, Sleepion will initially promote sleep, and then induce a deep non-REM sleep where your brain gets a chance to rest.

insonmia, sleep, concentration, meditation

Sleeping devices


There are two types of sleep, REM sleep and non-REM sleep. Deep non-REM sleep is essential for brain maintenance, physical health and emotional well-being

For those who have tried eye masks, earplugs, or nose masks but cannot sleep well, stimulation of smell by calming aroma, hearing by relaxing music, and sight by dim candlelight and moonlight may unwind the body and mind.

Gently stimulate three senses: sight, hearing, and smell.  


Aromatherapy is an essential component of the Sleepion 2 because it calms the brain and helps the body relax when sleeping. Five different aromas (Hinoki, Lavender, Germanium, Lemon Grass and Forrest) promote different activities in the brain.


Characteristics of light include color temperature and luminance. According tosleep studies, 2,700 Kelvin in color temperature and 35% in luminance is the optimal range for sleep. The Sleepion 2 has a 2,500 Kelvin watt lightbulb that simulates the pulsing of a candle and the light of the moon, regulating biological rhythms and inducing a state of deep sleep once an individual falls asleep.


The choice of song is a pivotal part of the Sleepion 2. The Sleepion 2 comes pre-loaded with 32 different songs to promote healthier sleep, relaxation, and concentration throughout the day. All songs are the original composition of Kenichi Toki and are only available in the Sleepion 2.