Sleep deprivation and try acupressure message for better sleep

sleep deprivation and sleep disorders

It is estimated that 50 to 70 million Americans chronically suffer from a disorder of sleep and wakefulness, hindering daily functioning and adversely affecting health and longevity. The cumulative long-term effects of sleep deprivation and sleep disorders have been associated with a wide range of deleterious health consequences including an increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart attack, and stroke.

sleep depreivation, accupressure. reflexology, insomnia, can't sleep, sleep disorder

Sleep deprivation and depression

Sleep deprivation is the condition of not having enough sleep; it can be either chronic or acute. A chronic sleep-restricted state can cause fatigue, daytime sleepiness, clumsiness and weight gain. It adversely affects the brain and cognitive function.

Sleep deprivation has been tied to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and depression.

Microsleeps really help…Stay calm

Few studies have compared the effects of acute total sleep deprivation and chronic partial sleep restriction. Complete absence of sleep over long periods has not been seen in humans (unless they suffer from fatal familial insomnia); it appears that brief microsleeps cannot be avoided. Long-term total sleep deprivation has caused death in lab animals. Microsleeps could be significant for insomnia people since it still “charge” you in a very efficient way.

Sleep disorder and Insomnia are brothers

Insomnia and depression feed on each other. Sleep loss often aggravates the symptoms of depression, and depression can make it more difficult to fall asleep. On the positive side, treating sleep problems can help depression and its symptoms, and vice versa.

Why not try acupressure message for better sleep?

accupressure. reflexology, insomnia, can't sleep, sleep disorder

Acupressure points for better sleep





Can’t sleep? Searching the body’s natural sleep drug

Sleep disorders are significant

Getting a good eight hours of sleep keeps your body functioning at its best. For those with insomnia problems, it could be a everyday battle at night.

Sleeping disorders

How many types of sleeping disorders?

Many people suffer from sleep disorders such as insomnia, sleepwalking and sleep-paralysis, which make it very difficult  for them to get quality sleep no matter how hard they try.

Those of us who have trouble sleeping at night, will truly understand or appreciate the value of a good night’s sleep.


Insomina is Spiritual problem?

The reason people often do not get relief through conventional medical treatments is that the root cause of most sleep disorders lies in the spiritual dimension. In order to treat spiritual problems effectively, a solution needs to be taken at a spiritual level. It could be somewhat difficult in the real world since the spirit world is much more complicated for ordinary people.


We know that making the room as dark as possible signals the pineal gland to start producing melatonin. It is one of the solutions to turn the light dark

insonmia, sleep, concentration, meditation

Sleeping devices with the sleeping ambient light

Food is a better choice than taking drugs

Kiwifruits ? The magic alternative to insomnia patients due to its powerful antioxidants

However, The #1 Melatonin food goes to:


The Fastest Way to Make Up while Lack of Sleep

Losing sleep has an adverse effect on us at many levels. Here is practical guidance on what you can do to sleep better with less disturbances.

insomina, can't sleep, lack of sleep, sleep devices

The fastest way to make up insomnia

The Cerêve Sleep System, a prescription device that helps reduce latency to stage 1 and stage 2 sleep by keeping the forehead cool has received US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) commercial clearance for use in patients with insomnia, the company has announced.

Many of us have experienced that when we sleep late, we do not feel refreshed when we wake up in the morning. Learning when and how to sleep in a spiritually conducive way benefits both our spiritual practice and our worldly life, helping us to be more productive and happy overall.

All of us would like to know how to sleep better so as to be at our best when we get up. One of the important parameters involved in how to sleep better is the time of going to sleep.


The Fastest Way to Make Up for a Lack of Sleep

accupressure. reflexology, insomnia, can't sleep, sleep disorder

Try not to nap in the dark

Try not to nap after dark.
This can trick the body clock into thinking we’re down for the night, making it harder to shake off the sleepiness when we wake up.

Try drinking your post-lunch espresso immediately before you’re scheduled to nap.
combining these two energy-boosting strategies was more effective at reviving sleep-deprived drivers than either on its own

Give in to an early bedtime.
On those nights when we can barely keep our eyes open, Kushida gives us permission to go to bed an hour or so earlier


Can’t Sleep? New Sleeping Devices give you quality sleep


Sleepion is a unique and revolutionary product aimed at improving the environment of sleep with the combination of sound, light, and aroma. Through calming music, gentle light, and soothing aroma from natural ingredients, Sleepion will initially promote sleep, and then induce a deep non-REM sleep where your brain gets a chance to rest.

insonmia, sleep, concentration, meditation

Sleeping devices


There are two types of sleep, REM sleep and non-REM sleep. Deep non-REM sleep is essential for brain maintenance, physical health and emotional well-being

For those who have tried eye masks, earplugs, or nose masks but cannot sleep well, stimulation of smell by calming aroma, hearing by relaxing music, and sight by dim candlelight and moonlight may unwind the body and mind.

Gently stimulate three senses: sight, hearing, and smell.  


Aromatherapy is an essential component of the Sleepion 2 because it calms the brain and helps the body relax when sleeping. Five different aromas (Hinoki, Lavender, Germanium, Lemon Grass and Forrest) promote different activities in the brain.


Characteristics of light include color temperature and luminance. According tosleep studies, 2,700 Kelvin in color temperature and 35% in luminance is the optimal range for sleep. The Sleepion 2 has a 2,500 Kelvin watt lightbulb that simulates the pulsing of a candle and the light of the moon, regulating biological rhythms and inducing a state of deep sleep once an individual falls asleep.


The choice of song is a pivotal part of the Sleepion 2. The Sleepion 2 comes pre-loaded with 32 different songs to promote healthier sleep, relaxation, and concentration throughout the day. All songs are the original composition of Kenichi Toki and are only available in the Sleepion 2.


A photo a day transforming weight loss a whole new way

Did weight make you feel awful your entire life – depressed, lonely and sad?

One of my classmates this semester is focused on exercise and nutrition.  I was looking forward to this transformation  because I’m so interested in health and wellness, and I feel as though I have a pretty good grasp on it.

Transformation–The most significant transformation in your lifetime ( cuz, It’s “you”)

The journey to thin” has never been easy. You need to eat less, work out more, consulting experts but how to carry on for the long run?

First day is a piece of cake , We need Months of day by day documentary

My suggestion—-Believing in yourself by using the Self portrait camera and transforming a photo a day From FAT to FIT Video Time lapse Blog

How  does brinno  self portrait camera create the time lapse videos automatically?

It’s an AVI file already on the camera while finished shooting!



88 lbs transformation on camera—So is the time lapse video
 via backeopuor

The sweetest spot is the “Instant Video

What is “Instant Video”?–Brinno self portrait camera captures and
converts thousands of photos into a Time Lapse video instantly and automatically on the camera, No Laptop required


(1) Post Free ( No convertion, No stitching, No Post effects ( Deflickr…..)

(2) Fast Playback ( thin file. Yes! even the video file is thin!!)

(3) Sharable on site ( Facebook or Twitter right away)

But personally the Best upside for weight loss is…..

A Photo a day to keeps your ideal weigh t

Fighting against 5F’s

What’s 5F’s? Food,Fertilize,Flock, Fight and Flee—5F’s embedded deeply inside human beings–The human nature. You are definitely in trouble if eating lots of Food and doing nothing for Fighting & Fleeing.

Love to eat and fertilize, Hate to exercise.



You need more Processes and Progress in between “before & after”

Middle Processes

Despite 5F’s, The time lapse videos FIT to the FINISH

How many programs out there promise results, but never follow through? Our promise is simple and it is guaranteed. It’s time you start seeing results and we’re not the ones to help you. The Self Portrait Camera helps yourself out.

What is Brinno Self portrait camera? What is “Instant Video”?

The “Instant Video”—The


How to create weight loss time lapse diary by self portrait camera?brinno

Be A Photo a day “Selfie”

Oxford’s Word of the Year 2013 Is…”Selfie”

Available at Brinno self portrait camera

Dark Knight triology–The astounding Night Shots time lapse video by Brinno TLC200 Pro

New Batman is in town

Photo: I'm bathman 3:) ------------ Like Dirty Minds 凸(¬‿¬)

What made Brinno TLC200 Pro the dark knight?

  • High dynamic range—-115dB vs 65dB for most DSLR
  • Ultra Pixel Size—4.2 um
  • Super Long lasting–battery life is Months of nights

To see to believe…

—The night shots is so powerful that you can see the BLUE SKY at mid night ( see the time stamp shows)

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—- The GoPro Hero 3 Black vs Brinno TLC200 Pro in Night Shots. low light capability

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The Dark Knight trilogy:

(1) Select the “Scene” to “Star

(2)Set the capture time interval to “ASAP

(3) See the Instant Video on the spot

For astrology photography esp for those who only chase the Milky Way


The Milky Way trilogy:

(1) Get the BCS 18-55mm interchangeable lens and replace it with the kit lens on the TLC200 Pro, Set the Aperture to the largest ( must read the manual)

(2) Turn on the secret engineering settings on TLC200 Pro( hold the OK button while swiching on). and select the “Scene” as “Firefly

(3) Prepare the coffee and retrieve your life time masterpiece in 8 hours later—the Milky Way time lapse

To see the unseen

It’s just like you turn off the DSC and DTC on the BMW, You will never recognize this is the BMW you’ve had. By turning the secret settings to “firefly”,

—–An Ultimate Night shots machine is ready at your service–Full Throttle!!

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Batman is not invicible without the Robin

How to switch the Brinno Interchangeable lens F1.2 19-55mm?

Brinno lens BCS 18-55mm F1.2

HDR makes the difference: City night

Thoughts from a belcany on the construction camera_Can’t get any Simpler?

Thoughts from a belcany on the Construction camera

The #1 thinking is “Is it really necessary to use your expensive DSLR at the construction site ?

The purchase cost or rental cost is one thing. What really matters is the DSLR complicated camera setups, settings for time lapse video and it also difficult to ask the job site workers to take over. So you may foot the service company bills monthly or try to train your job site people to operate the DSLR.


Learned about the limited Shutter life of DSLR? It seems that the average statistic shutter life is around 100,000 shots. 100k shots is probably a big number for ordinary photo shots but it can be “toasted” so easily by the time lapse mode. Here is a good example: taking photos every 1 min then 1×60 min x24 hrs=1,440 shots per Day, Your DSLR will just burst in 69.44 days (100,000 divided by 1,440) which is only TWO Months!

My advice is

Try not to use DSLR for Construction camera recording. It’s too expensive to pay the service companies , too hard for the job site workers to use and the DSLR life is Two months only.

Lesson learned: Will you use your F-22 ( unit cost: USD 150M) to fight against the terrorists who carry AK 47?

2nd thinking: Is there any other inexpensive and easy to use solutions for the Construction job site workers?

There are some rugged and Point of View cameras like GoPro or Brinno to be a easier ways for the construction sites. These POVs are all features like

  • Rugged with water proof cases
  • Wide angel lens (>120 degrees, Field of View)
  • Default external DC power input ( ensure long term shooting)
  • Time lapse video Photography ( you can set up the camera by different Time intervals, say taking one photo every 1 minute )

The Brinno construction camera also featuring

  • Rugged with water proof case ( It’s not water proof while DC-IN if using GoPro)
  • Timer” and ” Low light recording” ( the camera sleeps at night time)providing much more usefule time slots for you
  • Instant Video” and “Post Free
  • Truly “WEEKS” or “MONTHS” of battery ( GoPro  and the rest of camcorders —“Minutes” or “Hours” )

Lessons learned: A customer review on

Brinno TLC200 Pro HDR Time Lapse Video Camera
$399.99 $299.99
In Stock
Add to cart Add to wishlist
Can’t Get Any Simpler, October 24, 2013
Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
This review is from: Brinno TLC200 Pro HDR Time Lapse Video Camera (Electronics)

This is a great product. I’ve always wanted to do time lapse, but never wanted to get into all the mechanics of it. Who wants to tie up an expensive camera and risk it getting damaged or “permanently relocated?” Brinno makes time lapse stupid easy. It is almost a miracle in the palm of your hand. I read the manual, set up the camera and did a great first video of carpet being installed in my game room. Here’s all it takes: Position the camera, select the capture interval, turn the camera on, record the event, turn it off, let the Brinno do its thing (image processing), pop out the flash card, slip it in the computer. iPhoto loads it — BOOM! You’ve got a time lapse movie. It saves as an AVI, but when you load it into quick time (as in play it in quick time) it automatically gets converted into a .mov. It’s that easy. No assembling in post (as with the GOPRO unit). Seriously, this thing makes time lapse as easy as taking a snap shot. Image quality is very good. Size is shockingly small — in the palm of your hand. Light weight. I was even pleased with the packaging — rivals that of apple products. This is truly a user friendly device. Buy it and enjoy it.

What’s more?

The Award goes to:

brinno camera


Winery foundation setup

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Solar panel construction

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Swimming Pool design & build ( via:Klapprodt Pools )

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3D street art: conceptual design on laptop and the on site implementation time lapse

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Cool gadget for any event video recording

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The Final thought on Brinno construction camera—CANNOT GET ANY SIMPLER

Post Free & Fast Playback Construction camera

Which Construction Camera? 24 hrs monitoring or Incident Investigation/Documentation after?

Some construction site cameras are operated live and others are only used to investigate or document an incident after the fact.  A live, monitored system appears far more effective but the question is –Do you really need to be the like of the movie–“enemy of the States” ? So there are more and more construction sites which look to implement their own system and monitor it themselves.  When you take this route, most of the time the cameras are mounted and left on to record.  The recorder is located inside a site trailer and the footage from the camera’s are mainly used after something happens.  It is then that the site supervisor has to spend time looking through video to try and figure out what happened.  Then the issues will be —how difficult of the videos Processing and Playback?

The Post Free video processing


The sweetest spot is the “Instant Video

What is “Instant Video”?–Brinno Construction camera captures and
converts thousands of photos into a Time Lapse video instantly and automatically on the camera, No Laptop required


(1) Post Free ( No convertion, No stitching, No Post effects ( Deflickr…..)

(2) Fast Playback ( thin file)

(3) Sharable on site ( Facebook or Twitter right away)

(4) Quick Search by Brinno Player’s “motion search”


Fast Playback

The  most wanted feature from user feedbacks is the Fast Playback video on the spot.


One reminder: Try not to use your precious DSLR for the outdoors use like the job site

The Brinno Construction cameras offer choices of Mounts & Vari Focus Interchangeable LENS

The Wall Mount

The Straps


The best practice is —  20% of total Job site cameras are for Real Time monitoring and 80% for Construction Project management.

In terms of the “Specific Target Recording”. Here are some footages showing the true benefits of the Long Lasting Construction camera

The amazing Battery life—No need to replace the battery at job site

The “Pilling”

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Click video



El programa espacial de NASA o también reconocido Transbordador Espacial de NASA terminó su servicio en Julio de 2011, después de 30 años y 135 misiones. Comenzaron el programa espacial con cuadro transboardadores espaciales de las cuales perdieron a dos durante misión y construyó uno más. Al terminar el programa los transbordadores forman parte de la historia. El Museo de Ciencia en Los Angeles recibió el honor de tener a Endeavor, el transbordador construido en 1991, para su exhibición.

 clic video

El 21 de Septiembre del 2012 Endeavor voló por última vez sobre el Boeing 747 de NASA. Scott Andrews y su equipo grabaron este evento del traslado del transbordador desde Kennedy Space Station hasta Los Angeles. El resultado es un video Time Lapse asombroso.

ara documentar este evento Andrew y su equipo utilizó 12 cámaras y capturando 500 horas o 6 terabytes de datos por 6 días. El equipo dormieron solamente 4 horas diarias. Eso fue solamente el comienzo!! Para obtener el resultado de un video de 6 minutos y medio con 24 FPS (cuadro por segundo), tuvieron que escoger 9,500 imagenes dentro de 350,000 que tomaron. Para esto gastaron 100 horas de labor y 22 días CPU (tiempo de procesamiento) en post producción y procesamiento.

Claro está que el video es asombroso!! Valió pena todo el trabajo…

Pero realmente necesita invertir tanto TIEMPO y EQUIPO?

La respuesta evidente es…



Con Brinno TLC200 Pro se puede ahorrar 100% del tiempo en post producción. Costo de equipos y personal se reducirá en más de 50%. ESCUCHA!! No NECESITAS HACER POST PRODUCCIÓN!!

Coloque tantas cámaras TLC200 Pro que quiera, al terminar, retirarlos y LISTO están los videos Time Lapse que necesitas!!

brinno bpc100

Brinno TLC200 Pro es la 1ra Cámara de video POV HDR

brinno tlc200 pro Sensor HDR de video brinno tlc200 pro Instant Video
Sensor HDR de alto rendimiento para grabar video Time Lapse bajo cualquier luz! TLC200 Pro captura y convierte miles de fotos en un video en Lapso de Tiempo.


brinno tlc200 probrinno tlc200 pro

Lentes intercambiable (CS-Mount). Lente Brinno BCS 18-55mm f1.2 y BCS 24-70mm

brinno tlc200 proReproducción Instantanéo. Asi es! Sin PC o Laptop!!

Brinno Cámara de Grabación de Evento TLC200 Pro

brinno bpc100

brinno BPC100brinno BPC100brinno BPC100

Video POV para referencias

Thumbnail  click video

Anuncio comercial de Autos

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