Relieve Insomnia with 5 Acupressure Points

According to the National Sleep Foundation, every week almost 60% of Americans suffer from insomnia-like symptoms. These symptoms include waking and not feeling refreshed, problems with staying asleep and the inability to fall asleep quickly. If you are experiencing insomnia-like symptoms, try acupressure for a good night’s sleep instead of taking sleep medication. Acupressure has shown to help insomniac sufferers fall asleep for longer and have a better quality sleep, according to a study in Milan, Italy at the San Gerardo Hospital.


 2 Acupressure points on the ankles:

The Acupressure Points (K 6 and B 62) between your heel and anklebones (on both sides) have traditionally been used to relieve and prevent insomnia. The acupressure point on the inside of the heel below your inner anklebone is called Joyful Sleep. Can you guess what to do to obtain joyful sleep? Just hold this ankle acupressure point while taking deep breaths for a few minutes before you go to bed.

insomnia, can't sleep, sleep disorders, acupressure, body meridians

acupressure points for Insomnia and relaxing


3 Acupressure points on arms:

The Acupressure points on the outside of your heel, below your outer anklebone are called Calm Sleep. Pressing these ankle points together by placing your thumb on one side and your fingertips on the other side of your ankle, can relieve pain from the waist down, and enable your body to relax deeply for a good night’s sleep. This acupressure technique and the following tips are easy to teach your child.

4 Tips for Getting to Sleep Naturally

  • Gentle Stretching – Before you try to go to sleep, gently stretch your arms, legs, side-to-side bends, and massage your shoulders and neck.
  • Eye Stretches – With your eyes open, move your eyes slowly in a large circle – three times in each direction. Repeat this slow eye rotation with your eyes closed while breathing deeply. End by stretching your arms up and back as you take a few deep breaths.
  • Induce Yawning – Exaggerate several yawns, as you stretch your arms and legs.
  • Deeply Relax – Nestle comfortably into a very relaxed position. Take several slow, deep breaths as you enjoy relaxing. Focus on taking slower and deeper breaths. Let yourself completely relax.
body meridians, acupressure, insomnia, TENS, cupping

Meridians in the body with the total care