Can’t sleep? Searching the body’s natural sleep drug

Sleep disorders are significant

Getting a good eight hours of sleep keeps your body functioning at its best. For those with insomnia problems, it could be a everyday battle at night.

Sleeping disorders

How many types of sleeping disorders?

Many people suffer from sleep disorders such as insomnia, sleepwalking and sleep-paralysis, which make it very difficult  for them to get quality sleep no matter how hard they try.

Those of us who have trouble sleeping at night, will truly understand or appreciate the value of a good night’s sleep.


Insomina is Spiritual problem?

The reason people often do not get relief through conventional medical treatments is that the root cause of most sleep disorders lies in the spiritual dimension. In order to treat spiritual problems effectively, a solution needs to be taken at a spiritual level. It could be somewhat difficult in the real world since the spirit world is much more complicated for ordinary people.


We know that making the room as dark as possible signals the pineal gland to start producing melatonin. It is one of the solutions to turn the light dark

insonmia, sleep, concentration, meditation

Sleeping devices with the sleeping ambient light

Food is a better choice than taking drugs

Kiwifruits ? The magic alternative to insomnia patients due to its powerful antioxidants

However, The #1 Melatonin food goes to:


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