The quickest and easiest way to fall a sleep

Sleeping pills have by far been the most common medical treatment, with nearly 9 million adults having taken prescription sleeping pills in the last 30 days, according to the press release. But this comes with well-established safety risks, including decreased mental alertness the morning after use.

These medications can cause next-day impairment of driving and other activities that require full alertness, leading physicians and patients to seek a drug-free alternative.

can't sleep, insomnia remedies, sleepless

Can’t sleep?

The digital health sector(or similar to wearable medical devices) experienced record highs for funding in the last two years, with 2015 reaching $4.5 billion. The cost of insomnia is over $100 billion annually in the United States, which includes costs related to poorer workplace performance, increased healthcare utilization, and increased accident risk. Market size for devices that help diagnose and treat the 40 million Americans suffering from sleep disorders is estimated to reach $125.8 million in 2017.

accupressure. reflexology, insomnia, can't sleep

Reflexology message to help you sleep quickly

Insomnia? Keeping your forehead cool !?

The device, called the Cerêve Sleep System, is designed to induce better sleep by keeping the forehead cool, the company says.

The software-controlled bedside device cools and pumps fluid to a forehead pad that is worn throughout the night, the company says.

Sleep Gadgets So Weird They Just Might not Work  

The bottom line is this goggle with the water pipe attached is definitively not cozy. Even worse, Patient might “addict to” that hose and would feel there is something ontop of the pillow which makers the insomnia out of control.

Simpler and Easier approach?

A pain relief patch on your forehead will “quiet”your thoughts very soon and fall a sleep.  Much easier and no harm to try!

insomnia, remedies, can't sleep, sleepless

How does the pain relief patch to help you sleep?




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