The White house Visitor Log ………… No Picture No Truth

Controversial White House Visitor logs?

Obama administration is the first in American history to release the White House visitor logs. But….

  • The White House did release the Visitor Logs .
  • The Visitor Log did Spark the confusion since some people with famous names were listed on the visitor logs

Though the administration touted the release as evidence of “transparency like you’ve never seen before,” the list did spark confusion, as some people with famous names were listed on the visitor logs.

Is it the real “False Positive”?

The White House said several “false positives” of people saddled with famous names were on the list of 500 guest entrances to the White House, including that of one Jeremiah Wright.

White House defense: Visitor logs too unreliable to reveal whether Shulman actually visited 157 times

Read more:

Leave along the politics, how about your office visitor logs?

“NPNT” No Picture, No Truth

How about a auto Guest photo album which can be generated automatically and 100% portable Wire Free?

What does it take to be a decent “Photo Visitor Log”

  1. Wire Free powered , Portable anywhere and “Decoration Friendly” at the reception
  2. No Installer needed. 100% DIY with flexible “Mounts” anywhere in the lobby
  3. Motion sensor Camera for auto photo capture
  4. Fast Playback without the complex DVR, great tool for office secretary to operate

Brinno Motion activated camera BMC-100 is very Long Lasting battery ( around 3 months or 420,000 photos) thus it is totally Wire Free


The “mount” can be even attached on the glass, very stylish

You can completely do without all the followings: No ugly Wiring, No Installers, No Complicated UI, No Learning Curve , No Mass Destructive Weapons


The Wire Free Brinno BMC-100 Motion Activated Camera is the Most “Decoration FriendlyPhoto Visitor Log at the reception or the Lobby 

Attachable to the piece of glass

It can be easily outdoors with water proof case and easily fixed on the tree with the straps

An uninvited guest

or those Low Light critics, The Brinno camera is pretty IR receptive:

Thumbnail click video

Post Free & Fast Playback Construction camera

Which Construction Camera? 24 hrs monitoring or Incident Investigation/Documentation after?

Some construction site cameras are operated live and others are only used to investigate or document an incident after the fact.  A live, monitored system appears far more effective but the question is –Do you really need to be the like of the movie–“enemy of the States” ? So there are more and more construction sites which look to implement their own system and monitor it themselves.  When you take this route, most of the time the cameras are mounted and left on to record.  The recorder is located inside a site trailer and the footage from the camera’s are mainly used after something happens.  It is then that the site supervisor has to spend time looking through video to try and figure out what happened.  Then the issues will be —how difficult of the videos Processing and Playback?

The Post Free video processing


The sweetest spot is the “Instant Video

What is “Instant Video”?–Brinno Construction camera captures and
converts thousands of photos into a Time Lapse video instantly and automatically on the camera, No Laptop required


(1) Post Free ( No convertion, No stitching, No Post effects ( Deflickr…..)

(2) Fast Playback ( thin file)

(3) Sharable on site ( Facebook or Twitter right away)

(4) Quick Search by Brinno Player’s “motion search”


Fast Playback

The  most wanted feature from user feedbacks is the Fast Playback video on the spot.


One reminder: Try not to use your precious DSLR for the outdoors use like the job site

The Brinno Construction cameras offer choices of Mounts & Vari Focus Interchangeable LENS

The Wall Mount

The Straps


The best practice is —  20% of total Job site cameras are for Real Time monitoring and 80% for Construction Project management.

In terms of the “Specific Target Recording”. Here are some footages showing the true benefits of the Long Lasting Construction camera

The amazing Battery life—No need to replace the battery at job site

The “Pilling”

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Click video


Who is/was outside your door? The “stealth” hidden surveillance camera

National Burglary Statistics for the past decade in U.S

  • A household burglary occurs every 14.3 seconds (over 6,000 burglaries a day!) in the U.S.
  • More than 80% of all attempted burglaries are completed successfully
  • 81% of intruders entered on the first floor
  • 59% are thru the door ( Front door or back door)
  • Almost 40% of burglaries happen at night, while most people are sleeping

The traditional surveillance camera is no way out–too easy to be identified or disabled

The saddest part is most of the bad guys have been well trained by the CSI like TV programs by avoiding or destroying your house security cameras. One of the options is to use the “hidden surveillance cameras but the issues are the surging cost of “installation” and “Maintenance”.

too easy to be identified and disabled

Cost of “installation” &”Maintain”is surging for “hidden surveillance cam”

The DIY installation & Zero M/T hidden camera starts where?–The front door

That’s why answering the door these days can be a big issue for some people, especially the elderly, after all this is their first and probably their only line of security, the primary entry point!

let’s think about this! nothing has changed in decades to establish the identity of those wishing to gain entry, normally it’s a case of asking who’s there?, that’s all well and good if you know the person and can recognize their voice, and providing you have no hearing difficulties, alternatively it’s a case of squinting your eye through a small peephole that normally distorts the view and does not have good low light performance.

The Peephole viewer could be the simplest way to your hidden security camera since it still retaining the traditional peephole. not the security camera look

Why it’s hard to tell from the front door outside?

brinno  easily identified then “smashed”

brinno no way to find out there is a camera behind, it’s the peephole

Above all, It’s the 100% Seniors friendly and Truly low cost of Hidden surveillance camera

The  Peephole viewer —your home security 101 and

Do and Apply now. There is always time

Be there even when you’re not_Construction camera with 3 months battery

What High Mega pixel camera get my construction camera job done?

I’d rather jump to a more fundamental aspect—Are there any easy to use Mounts for the job site works? or step further Are your construction camera easy to use while  job site worker with gloves on?

gloves on gloves

More key features need to be brought up for a better construction camera except for stupid gloves

  • Long lasting battery life
  • Adult size buttons
  • Wiring Free cameras setup &  DIY deployable
  • Instant videos without post processing
  • Wifi enabled

Only 3 buttons and Adult size , you cannot miss…Never miss the buttons!

Long term outdoors wire free use guaranteed

There are many unexpected at job site mostly is the unstable power supply.

Brinno construction camera (BCC 100) is powered by super long term battery technology which may last for 78 days for ordinary standard 4 x AA alkaline batteries.

In addition, you may live up to 230 days if powered by Energizer Lithium batteries if necessary

No more “wiring” for your Cameras setup and file DVR

Installing a traditional DVR system for a bunch of construction cameras? No kidding, most DVR system produce tons of FAT video files, and those FAT video files are too big to store and too diffcult to playback! The Brinno Construction Camera provides a whole new FAST PLAYBACK concept for you to EASY playback job site  videos, automatically converting thousands images into several time lapse videos simply on your camera. You have never found so dead EZ in saving lots time to document whole day activity!

What is FAT files and how crazy fat it is?

IHS reports that security cameras produce 451 Petabytes, that’s 451,000 Terabytes of data every day!

How much data is in 413PB?

  • It’s enough to fill 92.1 million single-sided, single-layer DVDs.
  • It’s four times the amount of photo and video data stored on Facebook as of February 2012.
  • It is also equal to the information produced in just one day by all the new video surveillance cameras installed worldwide in 2013.

Global Forecast of Data Generated Daily
by Surveillance Cameras Shipped in a Year

(in petabytes)
ihs,Video Surveillance Cameras
(Source: IHS Inc., October 2013)

One of the most hardest things in your entire lifetime is “Weight Loss”, so is your storage videos.

tlc200f1.2on the spot!!   No stitching or manual post processing!!

So you minimize the file size in the very beginning, and make your life easier while playback later

Be there even when you are not

Perfectly coupled by Eye Fi SD card with the Brinno Construction camras and amazingly offhand hands-on

More detailed info?

Enjoy your Job site workers DIY Wi Fi Construction cameras!

Construction time lapse video:


El programa espacial de NASA o también reconocido Transbordador Espacial de NASA terminó su servicio en Julio de 2011, después de 30 años y 135 misiones. Comenzaron el programa espacial con cuadro transboardadores espaciales de las cuales perdieron a dos durante misión y construyó uno más. Al terminar el programa los transbordadores forman parte de la historia. El Museo de Ciencia en Los Angeles recibió el honor de tener a Endeavor, el transbordador construido en 1991, para su exhibición.

 clic video

El 21 de Septiembre del 2012 Endeavor voló por última vez sobre el Boeing 747 de NASA. Scott Andrews y su equipo grabaron este evento del traslado del transbordador desde Kennedy Space Station hasta Los Angeles. El resultado es un video Time Lapse asombroso.

ara documentar este evento Andrew y su equipo utilizó 12 cámaras y capturando 500 horas o 6 terabytes de datos por 6 días. El equipo dormieron solamente 4 horas diarias. Eso fue solamente el comienzo!! Para obtener el resultado de un video de 6 minutos y medio con 24 FPS (cuadro por segundo), tuvieron que escoger 9,500 imagenes dentro de 350,000 que tomaron. Para esto gastaron 100 horas de labor y 22 días CPU (tiempo de procesamiento) en post producción y procesamiento.

Claro está que el video es asombroso!! Valió pena todo el trabajo…

Pero realmente necesita invertir tanto TIEMPO y EQUIPO?

La respuesta evidente es…



Con Brinno TLC200 Pro se puede ahorrar 100% del tiempo en post producción. Costo de equipos y personal se reducirá en más de 50%. ESCUCHA!! No NECESITAS HACER POST PRODUCCIÓN!!

Coloque tantas cámaras TLC200 Pro que quiera, al terminar, retirarlos y LISTO están los videos Time Lapse que necesitas!!

brinno bpc100

Brinno TLC200 Pro es la 1ra Cámara de video POV HDR

brinno tlc200 pro Sensor HDR de video brinno tlc200 pro Instant Video
Sensor HDR de alto rendimiento para grabar video Time Lapse bajo cualquier luz! TLC200 Pro captura y convierte miles de fotos en un video en Lapso de Tiempo.


brinno tlc200 probrinno tlc200 pro

Lentes intercambiable (CS-Mount). Lente Brinno BCS 18-55mm f1.2 y BCS 24-70mm

brinno tlc200 proReproducción Instantanéo. Asi es! Sin PC o Laptop!!

Brinno Cámara de Grabación de Evento TLC200 Pro

brinno bpc100

brinno BPC100brinno BPC100brinno BPC100

Video POV para referencias

Thumbnail  click video

Anuncio comercial de Autos

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The Construction camera DIY setup & operated by the job site workers

It’s always never too late to have a new mindset and use a better gizmo

You Deserve something  Easierer ,Thinner  and  Longer Construction camera

  • easy to use and setup with gloves on
  • More than HD and not just Mega Pixels–> Low Light
  • Rugged
  • Endurable
  • Post Free
  • Versatile “Mounts”

It’s never been easy with gloves on

The Size :GoPro Hero 3 vs Brinno TLC200

What’s “Instant Video”?–   Brinno Construction camera captures and
converts thousands of photos into a Time Lapse video instantly and automatically on the camera, No Laptop required


(1) Post Free ( No convertion, No stitching, No Post effects ( Deflickr…..)

(2) Much Thinner file compared to normal video files and no H.264 compressed loss on image quality

(2) Instant Playback ( thin file) on the Android Phone

(3) Social medias Sharable at the job site ( Facebook or Twitter right away)

(4) Quick Search by Brinno Player’s “motion search”

You can capture the entire construction project HANDS DOWN. enjoy your “Instant Video”.

Playback on site—Yes, No PC or Laptop invloved–Instant Video on Android phone

The battery life(4 AA batteries) is 78 days , not  78 mins

Mounts have been a big challenge at the construction job site.

sometimes you need more than one

The mounts included in the Brinno construction camera bundle


Showcase your unique panorama for effective online advertising.

360 degree Panorama video + Night shots

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Forget about low resolution and poor night image capability of commercially available webcams – Footage displays every detail of your project without loss of quality even at dark night.

—- The GoPro Hero 3 Black vs Brinno TLC200 Pro in Night Shots. low light capability

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For those IR fans, The IR video

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Anything is possible and feasible at the jobsite with the Construction camera

Construction Jobsite security camera_Truly DIY hands on

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I always assumed the most satisfying part of being a jobsite manager was actually seeing the construction activities with your own eyes, instead of just photos of them in a National firefighter fire proof guide. So it seems to me like this motion activated security camera takes some of the ‘sport’ out of construction documentary. Inside the weather-resistant casing is a f1.2 super large aperture with 140 degree field of view Brinno Motion camera that senses motion across a 9×12 foot field-of-view. When target enters the frame, the camera can be set to capture up to 30 pictures in 10 seconds which are stored on an included SD card.


As safety on the job front is of utmost importance for employees and employers alike, investing in the full brim tough and rugged cameras is very crucial.

Once mounted the camera can still be panned and tilted up for the best angle if using the Brinno Wall mount ATM100.  It’s powered by 4 AA batteries which should keep it running for about 6 months thanks to the camera’s sleep mode which kicks in when no motion is detected, and the fact that it will automatically power itself off at night.

Brinno wall mount ATM 100

Very flexible in Wall Mount installation


Employers in addition to thinking about the safety of their employees also think about the liabilities that they may be subjected to if there was an accident on the workplace. As a result, they also conduct training classes and sessions for employees in order to explain the various hazards that the employees may fall prey to. By doing so, they also emphasize the importance of watching the safety footages or steps taken from other sites that will safeguard them against these potential dangers.


The rubber straps for any top down high angle of Security camera needs

The  most wanted feature from user feedback is the Quick Playback video on the spot. The Instant Video


It’s very long lasting . I had a experience for up to 8 months while using the Exnergizer Li batteries

World record long term battery operated Morion camera with outstanding
2 months  of battery life, if you want longer operating time you could choose Energizer Ultimate Lithium AA batteries for 3X battery life!

360 degree panning is also feasible.

Video of the motion trigger mode from the Brinno Construction camera

Shop security

The camera unboxing: