The way forward: Construction Management is not enough without Construction Camera

Construction manager is the your first step to success accompanied after by the Construction management plan

Construction managersEngineering Project Management Jobs

Real Time Monitoring is not necessarily why you need the Construction camera

What most construction sites need is

>>a more daily basis documentary

>>a less expensive TOC ( total cost of ownership: it’s a more project based expenses vs the fixed estate investment)

>>less expensive cameras ( Do-it- yourself styled installation and operation cameras ), and no service or maintenance cost required

The Construction camera video is the most intuitive way for the Construction management

Ensuring project success (Performance) in various segments

 -Accelerate the physical construction (Schedule)
– Reduce the cost of the project (Cost)
 -Compare the conceptual design with the actual physical construction ( Virtual vs Physical , Plan vs Real), Project review
– Decrease the overall time required for planning and design ( Project life cycle management)

How to establish Construction cameras at jobsite?

One of the references is the Brinno Construction cameras employment view


You may have the UI like this–Eye Fi Center if using together with Eye Fi Pro X2 card

The Best part you may leverage the Flickr FREE 1T Cloud service.  The amazing 1,000 Giga bytes

Flickr | 1TB of Free Photo Sharing

One thought on “The way forward: Construction Management is not enough without Construction Camera

  1. Pingback: La solution: gérer la construction n’est pas suffisante sans caméra de construction | Time Lapse Camera

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