What do you want from Construction Cameras ?

The project can most efficiently and economically achieve their building program goals through the use of  DIY setup Construction cameras IN DIFFERENT PERIODS AND PLACES.
In general, adequate deployment of Construction Cameras will be able to:
 -Ensure project success (Performance)
 -Accelerate the physical construction (Schedule)
– Reduce the cost of the project (Cost)
 -Compare the conceptual design with the actual physical construction ( Virtual vs Physical , Plan vs Real)
– Decrease the overall time required for planning and design ( Project life cycle management)
 Left: Virtual Construction Planning

 -Frame the framework for the overall material resource plan ( MRP )

– Provide continuity and improve project coordination throughout both the design and construction phases.

– Provide you more continuous control of the project; you are an active team member and approve all critical decisions affecting cost and schedule.

The must documentary areas and activities for the construction cameras: What do you want from Construction cameras ?
(1 )foundation Grouting
(2) Piling 
(3) Diaphragm wall
These construction camera videos are basically for:
1. Government inspectionsCompliances ( Labors (human rights) + Fire (industrial safety)+ Construction regulations + Envieonment )
2. Internal use ( workers+gears+ mass equipment) utilization and efficienecy
3. Multi players: Employer(land owners) &Subcontractors (acceptance terms, performance review or even the Construction contract management )
4. Law or Legal issues ( Liabilities)
5. Insurance and Properties Restoration
4. Sales presentations or Media coverage for Corporate overview

Typical Brinno construction cameras can be set up like the following:

(1) Install the Overlook cams at 4 corners of jobsite: Setting: time interval: 1 min, with Eye Fi card setup and DC IN, water proof case,Q’ty:4

(2) Portable or Specific target recording for ( grouting, piling,): time interval 1-2 sec, Battery powered.  Water proof case, q’ty: 4

(3) Portable Security cam: For any places. Trigger mode: PIR motion sensor added on (ATM 100), water proof cases (optional), Battery powered Qty: 4


brinnoATM 100 ( Motion sensor for TLC200)

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